Terms of Use

The distribution and the use of any game is permitted exclusively with the consent of GamePix Srl. The distribution and the use of any game on paid services for the end users is permitted exclusively with the written approval of GamePix Srl.

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At GamePix we have built a complete and flexible API system to let publishers (and everybody with some coding skills actually) integrate the HTML5 games in our catalogue in a very easy and customizable way. Follow a few simple steps to achieve a correct and fully functionable integration!


You can get the list of all available games by calling this endpoint, the games list is paginated, using limit and offset. The "limit" indicate the number of games returned and the "offset" clause specifies the number of games of the result to skip before start to get games, and must be used with the "limit" clause. By default the limit is 1000:
https://games.gamepix.com/games?sid= &limit=1000&offset=0

Optional GET parameters:
ORDER = d | q
-to order games by descending date (newest):
https://games.gamepix.com/games?sid= &order=d&limit=1000&offset=0
-to order games by descending quality (most played):
https://games.gamepix.com/games?sid= &order=q&limit=1000&offset=0

*Do not remove or change the parameter sid. You will need it to track your stats.


First call the endpoint to get the list of all available categories:

Then use the id of each category to get related games by calling the endpoint in this format:
Example category=1

Optional GET parameters:
ORDER = d | q
-to order games by descending date (newest):
https://games.gamepix.com/games?sid= &category=1&order=d&limit=1000&offset=0
-to order games by descending quality (most played):
https://games.gamepix.com/games?sid= &category=1&order=q&limit=1000&offset=0

*Do not remove or change the parameter sid. You will need it to track your stats.


You can get metadata of a specific game by calling this endpoint:
http://games.gamepix.com/game?sid= &gid=XXX
where gid=xxx is the game id.

*Do not remove or change the parameter sid. You will need it to track your stats.


APIs return Games into a Json object in this format:

id: a unique identifier for the game
title: the game title
description: the game description
desc_it/fr/en/de/es: the game localized description if any
category: the main category of the game
categories: an array of other game’s categories
author: the game author’s name
thumbnailUrl: a 250*250 pixels icon of the game
thumbnailUrl100: a 100*100 pixels icon of the game
url: the url of the game
rkScore: a number used to order the games list by most played games (big numbers are for most played games)
height: the game best performing height in pixels (useful for iframes settings)
width: the game best performing width in pixels (useful for iframes settings)
orientation: the game orientation on mobile devices (landscape or portrait)
responsive: Boolean. If true the game is able to auto-adjust graphics at any resolution
touch: Boolean. If true the game can be played on a touch screen
hwcontrols: Boolean. If true the game support hardware controls from PCs (mouse, keyboard)
featured: Boolean. If true the game is the featured one at the moment. (new games or best games)
creation: creation date of the game (Coordinated Universal Time)
lastUpdate: last update date of the game (Coordinated Universal Time)
size: the game size in MB
min_android_version: Minimum Android version to play this game
min_ios_version: Minimum IOS version to play this game
min_wp_version: Minimum WindowsPhone version to play this game

For any other question please refer to support@gamepix.com or add us on Skype (id: gamepixsupport)
Happy coding and thanks for choosing GamePix API! :)